Infinitus Aero is excited to confirm we will participate in ‘Future Energy Week’ where industry, academia, government and future leaders will come together to discuss clean energy innovations that will power tomorrow’s planet.
Future Energy Week will host a two day event at the Tonsley Innovation District from Wednesday 8th to Thursday 9th November 2023 and our E22 Spark will be on display for our fellow ‘planet positive’ members can view.
Infinitus Aero Chief Engineer Dom Hill will be speaking at the conference panel during the Wednesday event, with Chief Commercial Officer Barrie Rogers attending the entire event to discuss our project with attendees.
The event will provide an opportunity to focus on the combined ambitions of government, industry, researches and students to find sustainable and affordable ways we can all help contribute to South Australia’s commitment to being ‘clean and green’.
The E22 Spark is Australia’s first light sport commercially produced electric aircraft and the team will be at the Tonsley Innovation District to discuss their first test flight program scheduled for early January 2024 and their exciting future plans.
Over the two day period, a conference with 60 industry experts and over 300 like-minded professionals and emerging STEM graduates, will discuss ways to successfully implement ways to navigate the challenges we face to overcome the transition to clean energy.
For more information visit:

Dominic Hill from Infinitus Aero

Barrie Rogers attending the event representing Infinitus Aero for the entire event.