What a year 2023 has been for Infinitus Aero

December 13, 2023

What a year we have had! The Infinitus Aero team have officially opened the doors of the business, participated in Motorsport and community events, travelled to Europe for R&D and major expos, come home and launched a new name and logo as well as designed, created and tested elements for our E22 Spark that will take to the skies in early 2024.

Thank you to every supporter, stakeholder, investor, family member, friend and member of our village who has helped us achieve success this year. We have faced the normal challenges of a ‘start up’ and overcome them through sheer determination and passion to be ‘planet positive’ in our approach. We will create history and the next step is into 2024.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas and we wish you and your loved ones an exciting new year.



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